In order to keep our products of the highest quality, every item we sell will be made to order. You won't be getting Fudge or Brittle that was made and frozen months ago. If your order contains one of our Fudge or Brittle products, the delivery time for your order will be approximately 7-12 days after your order is placed to insure you get the freshest product. So plan ahead and order in plenty of time before that holiday, picnic, wedding, party or other special occasion in your calendar.
All orders are shipped through the US Post Office.
We encourage orders that will fill a box so you save on the shipping! A medium shipping box is 11" x 8 1/2" x 5 1/2". For example, this box will hold:
2 - bags of 50 cups 6 oz serving size of Cocoa, Crème, and Coffee
8 - 1 lb servings of Fudge or Brittle
1 - bag of 50 cups 6 oz serving size of Cocoa and 4 - 1 lb servings of Fudge.
So mix and match to fill your box!
We encourage you to check out our FAQ page for information on our use of sugar substitutes and many other interesting topics.